Tuesday, July 12, 2011

RIP Critics Credibility

Nine months ago, CVAPI conducted the investigation at the Maitland Family home in Chester, Virginia. Though CVAPI or the Maitland family has not bought this up for weeks, the critics are still screaming.

Exactly who are these critics? This is the question we are asked constantly. From the best that we can tell they are “Paranormal Bashers”. Or in a nutshell, they are nobodies screaming for the publics attention as they are “Know it all’s” in the field of the paranormal, demonology and working with producers.

On NUMEROUS occasions, I have invited them to pick up the phone and speak to me directly, to which none of them will. They seem to see it as MUCH easier to talk crap on the web without validating anything from the “True sources”.

One of the sites that continue to bash Demon Exorcist is Scifake. Fake is correct, from what we have seen everything posted there is on speculation and opinions. If you want to know more about them google Ron Tebo, this will explain the credibility of this character. (Though now he has become a magician http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHEWlji2gD0) Though he has indeed offered a “weak” apology to Sarah Maitland, he did not hesitate to exploit her children. A nice demonstration of how much time and effort they will put into us can be found here: (http://scifake.com/wp-content/forum-media-uploads/jetson/demon-screamers.wmv)
The most recent is Kirby Robinson, from Eyeontheparanormal. What a clown this one is. Kirby has been invited to call me directly; I have offered a recorded interview, and any questions I ask him he has indeed evaded. One of the questions I have asked him is “What is your title”? Meaning what do you do? If Dwayne is a demonologist what do you do? Are you unemployed? Are you a blogger?

This is what we have found to be true. He is indeed a blogger and promotes the affiliates program on his blog. (He makes pennies for each time you click on it.) And more so than anything he is a “Paranormal Basher”. (http://www.psiro.com/index.php/articles/opinion-a-debate/115-a-response-to-kirby-robinson.html)

On March 5, 2011 Kirby himself did a radio show interview promoting his self-published book on some of his bashing. (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/claranormal/2011/03/06/author-kirby-robinson-talks-about-his-new-book-paranormal-reality-investigating-paranormal-state) He begins by stating that he is not there to bash anyone’s personal lives. In this case that is untrue. They have been all over Sarah Maitland about medical records and exploiting her children. Kirby’s defense is that we made this public record by going on TV with her story. In this radio show he speaks of his “Painstaking analysis” and has “Validated” claims by “Confidential sources.” (Who really cares what time the clock on the wall states and what went on behind the scenes on Paranormal State? Are you that nosey?) He also commends Chip Coffee, states that they mistreated Chip Coffee, and he has no issues with the show Psychic Kids. (Funny how his blog bashes all of this.) It appears that there is an issue of keeping his story straight.

So now, lets talk about what we know from first hand experience. “Validating claims by confidential sources.” Some of their “Confidential sources” are ex members of CVAPI. Meaning they are no longer affiliated with us due to lack of professionalism. Those that have been following this saw this on a comment posted on one of my Examiner articles to Sarah Maitland directly, to which my editor removed. These ex members were indeed at the investigation of the Maitland case. They had NO PROBLEMS with screaming it was demonic during evidence review, willingly participated in recruiting a demonologist, and “Claimed” to have bought something home with them, in which was filmed by Firecracker Films. They have no children of their own, do not even like children, and are now “Concerned” about the Maitland family children. Not to mention that they acted “Horrified” that the children were on the program, when they KNEW the camera crew was with them for days. These are some of their “Confidential sources”.
From the radio show we have found what they said about Kirby:

-25 years in the paranormal field

-Performed numberous house blessings and exorcisms

-Spent much of his time helping people with demonic hauntings.

-Claims to be a Buddist.
-Self published a book bashing Paranormal State

So I have to ask….WHO wants to be on television? WHO is keeping this story alive without contacting the REAL sources? And WHO continuously brings up Dwayne going to series, book deals and movie deals?

I am personally glad that we found Dwayne. He stepped up to bat when no one else would. At that time, the Maitland family was ready to walk away from their home permanently. I can honestly say that without Dwayne’s help, they may have.

The transformation that I have personally seen in the entire family is phenomenal, they are all doing well and I will bring you a follow up with them soon. Do we support Dwayne going to series? YES. If he is HELPING families instead of writing crap about them on the web, who cares what television does?????

There are 4 TRUE sources to Demon Exorcists, “The Black Shadow”….FIRECRACKER FILMS, DWAYNE CLAUD, JACKIE TOMLIN and SARAH MAITLAND. We have all moved on….it is a shame these idiots cannot.


  1. It's sad that their "source" has promoted Dwayne and Demon Exorcist on her paranormal page and at the same time, sides with the very ones who are attacking him. I guess it's all on who benefits her at the time.. "Somebody" needs help. But GREAT write up Jackie!

  2. It is a good thing that I work late. The blog has been up for 3 hours, and in that time my time has been consumed with the "Confidential sources" that have come forward. Through phone calls and emails. All I have to say right now is WOW.

  3. Well no rest for the weary...
    I have recieved a phone call from ex member of CVAPI, KELLY KILBOURNE explaining that she contacted Ron Tebo at SciFake and her communications via email, skype, and by phone with him. I have asked her to post her version of things here, and I will give her ample opportunity to do so.
    In an unrelated incident. I have in my possession emails from ex member of CVAPI TOBY ELHERT, with his words of "Destroy, revenge, Dwayne Claud, CVAPI, etc" and the media sources he preferred to contact. I also have his "plot" to stay with CVAPI, unfortunate for him that did not happen.
    In addition email exchanges with ex member of CVAPI RYAN ROBINSON. Since his membership was severed months prior to the Maitland case, I could care less what he has to say. Though he apppears to be an active "Contributor" to the bashing.
    In addition we have 4 other names, that I will allow time for them to come forward before publishing them.

    A rebuttal to a silly blog that contains the term: “Ghost Lovers”:

    Pretty pathetic Jackie, even for you.

    The epitome of hypocrisy:
    The child exploiters calling those whom expose child exploiters “child exploiters”

    “Nobodies” ? Perhaps when you amass a minute fraction of the hit points SciFake consistently accrues, that comment won’t be quite as comical.

    Sorry Jackie, this is about as believable as “The Demon Hand” photo LOL

    Perhaps if Sara M. had not misconstrued Ron’s apology as an admission of error as opposed to an olive branch as intended, everyone would have “moved on” after the public repudiation of “The Demon Exorcist”. Instead, she seized the opportunity to run amok with a barrage of subsequent, semi coherent blog posts and fallacious pod-casts laden with idiotic conjecture and confabulated facts. It comes as little surprise that she would attempt to denigrate the efforts of a man who has made a crusade out of exposing scumbags who prey on children. How predictable that Sarah would insinuate that this same man is using this same campaign to “get close to children” or imply that the abuse he suffered as a child was fictitious.

    A pattern of behavior is evidenced by Sarah’s own internet history prior to the airing of this aborted Animal Planet pilot that hoped to cash in on the latest wave of media generated demonic hysteria and her (again) using children as props is just disgusting. Even if the aforementioned pattern of using her children to further her agenda was not revealed by the posts she herself has made in past, the act of further traumatizing her child with ridiculous demonic infestation role playing to promote a bad and failed TV show would, in itself constitute an act of unconscionable selfishness. It is our hope that by exposing this we will prevent other innocent children from suffering the same collateral psychological harm this brand of reality TV inspired propaganda may incur.

    “Paranormal Bashers”? If you consider those who call out despicable child exploiting/abusing miscreants like those affiliated with or those who continue to support the abhorrent and thankfully canceled show: “Psychic Kids” as “Paranormal Bashers”, then guilty as charged. I sincerely doubt anyone of consequence and moral fiber will condemn Kirby Robinson for helping to drive the final nails in the coffin of demon paranoia perpetuating productions like for Paranormal State and The Chipster.

    You were simply amusing before Jackie, but now you seem to be siding with those that support child exploitation as an acceptable mode of bad para-TV publicity generation. We will NEVER sit idly by and wallow in apathy while kids are psychologically abused in this fashion, call it a promise

  5. Oh my Aanica do you ever stop? You have already made yourself look pathetic enough! ANY PARENT can read the links and see that yes, My children were suffering from abuse. I even have DOCTORS confirming that and yet the ONE judge I was kept with for so many years refused to see it. That is the reason I went into the website FOR ABUSED CHILDREN and wrote for help. Again, it was in an appropriate site and should not have been put on Scifake. I didn't do anything that any caring, loving parent wouldn't do in my situation. But let's take this one step further since you are so intent on making this public info.. I also filed bankruptcy because we spent over $80,000.00 fighting for custody back. I had attorneys who all said they had never had a case like mine before. So I really don't think that is using my children for attention. And as for the apartments, We had leaks all the time,We had mold starting to grow on the ceilings, we had teenagers upstairs who partied until 4 am every night. We found one of the boys almost dead outside our door from an overdose.. your damn right we wanted out of there! My kids were suffering and again.. I didn't do anything that a loving, caring parent wouldn't do. So I voiced my opinion on an apartment review page.. along with 100's of others! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!
    From the show to this, the ONLY ones exploiting my kids is you, Scifake and Kirby Robinson. Again I ask, where is your PROOF the show was faked? Where is your PROOF we have lied about ANYTHING? Why can't you stick to the FACTS about the show? I can tell you why.. Because you got NOTHING! And everyone is starting to see that.
    Oh yes, Ron wrote a half hearted apology letter to me but continued to bash others the exact same way. So no, his apology means nothing to me. What are you upset that I finally showed Ron for the coward he is? I mean really Aanica, what man runs around with a camcorder for 40 yrs tracking down his supposed Molester only to plaster it all over YOUTUBE and then almost come to tears on tv when interviewed? This is the SAME man that exploited my own children's sexual abuse! So I ask you, What person who has been abused would plaster another child's abuse on his tacky website? Hmmm I'm thinking none because it was all a FAKE. But now the tv stations see that also. And why would Ron go into these molesting website chat rooms and want to hold a conversation with anyone including children? Oh yes, I have the email where he ADMITS to this. I would be glad to post it if you would like. But see that is the difference between me and you. I have class! However, since you guys seem to enjoy making my children's abuse FROM TEN YEARS AGO public knowledge, anyone interested in the email for whatever reason can have it for whatever purpose they see fit. Aanica, you are a bitter psychopath who has been kicked out of every paranormal team you've tried to be on because of your antics. And it's very sad that the only place your welcome now is at Scifake and eye of the paranormal where your comments towards Ron and Kirby are those of a little girl trying DESPERATELY for daddy's approval. And you are the first to defend them like a little tinybopper airhead at a rock concert. And it's very sad that they are the only people you can find for acceptance in this great big world. But hey Casey Anthony is coming out soon, she can be your best-bud and you two can compare stories! Just because they may be GOD to you, doesn't mean that for everyone else.
    Think about this Aanica, remember the blog talk radio interview with Chuck Manning I was on? 94 likes! Kirby Robinson's blog talk radio about his book, 4 likes.. what does that tell ya? People want the TRUTH! Oh and thank Ron for me because the more he puts on his site about me, the more people want to know THE TRUTH. And you guys have made Demon Exorcist a show that probably will be around for quite a while between the show, and books being written. So Thanks for that!

  6. Jackie Darlin, I have never met you but I bet you are one HELL of a ghosthunter. Cause you did a nice job on investigating this! Keep up the good work!

  7. For those following this, we indeed posted this link on Kirby Robinson's Facebook wall in which he deleted...IMAGINE THAT!
    And today, he is back to bashing Paranormal State and Chip Coffee.

  8. Sarah, that was an AMAZING post and kudo's to you! It is a shame that it appears that all of this got started with a handful of people beginning with ex members of CVAPI seeking attention, and recruiting a handful of friends to join them. I am absolutly disgusted that they would try to drag down Dwayne, CVAPI and a family with children. And for what reason? They want attention, and they are mad with me? A great sign of their immaturity.
    I hope the local paranormal community can see, that if they reached out to these people on your case, they will indeed do so again on other cases.

  9. Well Jackie, I want to apologize to you for all this 1st grade drama that you have had to endure because you were decent enough to help a family in need and it just so happened to be put on TV. But I thank you for not running and hiding with your tail between your legs.
    It's a shame that those who started this by being so nasty on your first blog and accusing me of being a pageant mom looking for attention are the very same ones who claimed that whatever we had in our home grabbed her pant leg and her partners bracelet. They also said that they felt whatever we had followed them home and made each of them sick after the investigation and one said something threw her cat down the stairs afterwards and almost killed it. And I believe you even had to go and clear their home because one was so scared.. But I'm full of crap? It makes no sense! This person was in my home for all of 10 hours!! Did they not consider what it was like for us living it daily? And meeting my children whom they could clearly see were very well taken care of..did that not make them look at the HELL they had to live with for months?? Do you honestly think any of the men on your team that night would've stayed in this house by themselves after the investigation? No, they leave all their fears out of all comments and say I'm full of crap or I need to be investigated by CPS because I'm exploiting my children. But you are right, they didn't have a problem with it when they knew the film crew was basically living with us for a week.
    As you know by now, If I say something about someone I OWN IT and if I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong as you saw first hand. BUT, I don't try to blame others for my actions. And you know why.. BECAUSE I'M NOT A LIAR. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't your first article about our frustration with the way the show dramatized one thing that wasn't exactly the way it happened? Do liars and fakes really do that? I think not!!

  10. Aanica, I was just shown the Scifake page where everyone is trying to run to your rescue because of what I said about you not being kicked out of paranormal groups or whatever.. Why are you lying to them Aanica? Do you like making all Ron's robots look like total idiots more than they already do? I have something you, Kirby and Ron Tebo know NOTHING about and it's called PROOF..


    Click on the link and start at 61:00 If you don't want to hear the entire blog. For anyone else interested, My story starts at 27:50.
    Sad Aanica, very sad. I'll pray for you.

  11. Sarah, Do you think Kirby or Ron would have come to Virginia to help you? LOL

  12. Yesterday was a day full of he said, she said, and who said what to who. We have known all along what circle of “sources” were talking, but also not really surprised at some other names that are surfacing.

    If it had not been for us being stalked at the local level for the past several months, we would have not bothered to get involved with any of the so called bashing that surfaced.
    The threats on the Maitland family children however were taken very seriously.

    I cannot help but laugh as I write this to those that are contacting me about now being the “victim”. Apparently people they have said things to are now questioning them. You have talked crap about Dwayne, Firecracker Films and the Animal Planet. You have recommended that the Maitland family children be turned over to CPS. We have been STALKED at the local level for months, and you REALLY thought this was just going to go away? Why? Because you are worried about book deals and movie deals? How pathetic is this? You SHOULD be questioned, and some of you should be caged and studied. Do not look for our sympathy by pointing fingers and trying to switch sides.

    For those local stalkers that feel the local paranormal community is now attacking them, are you seriously seeking sympathy from me? You know what they say, “You made your bed, now lie in it.” It was YOUR CHOICE to run your mouths and spread rumors in hopes of taking CVAPI down. This SHOULD have been brought to your attention in a previous blog post. I guess some did not take us seriously.

    Sarah and I have NOT come full circle with what all we could publish (And yes, we have a right to.). From email exchanges to snap shots of websites, forums, and personal facebook pages. And to anything that was deleted, we have a snap shot of. Our supporters out weigh those seeking to wreak havoc, looking for recognition, or just trying to start crap. Stalking and exploiting children are indeed a serious matter.

    As far as Scifake and Eyeontheparanormal, you have successfully accomplished bringing national recognition to CVAPI and the Maitland case. Your credibility in society as a whole speaks for itself. Book deals and movie deals? We will keep you posted.

    As far as the previous members of CVAPI, contracts signed by them and CVAPI are currently under legal review. (More to come on this in the next few days.) And in case your wondering, yes this was also brought to their attention months ago, again, it was NOT taken seriously.

    And to quote Sarah Maitland, “The karma bus is finally coming through.”

  13. After a review of these blogs along with the sites referenced as Scifake and Eye On The Paranormal. I can see that those sites only inquire members who do not seem to be able to think or ration on their own. ANYONE can clearly see that, as we sat on the fence and saw what both sides were saying, Several of us in our field have agreed that NO person should ever use a child or children in ANY debate and that alone spoke volumes as to their nature of writing and the mindset of those who continued to comment.
    After hearing all the incidences Ms. Maitland and her family went through that was not included on the television show, We have reached out to Mrs. Maitland and hope she will consider our offers as well as Ms. Jackie Tomlin. The experience and the evidence we have reviewed are truly fascinating in a realm that takes paranormal to another level.
    God Bless you and your families.

  14. I just wanted to add that we reviewed the mentioned blogs as well. I am curious if the commenter's on both blogs, (especially Scifake) are adults or children? Do you guys know? I ask this because I have never seen adults act in this manner. And to think these are the ones offering their opinions on paranormal research. I think they speak well for themselves. You are correct Jackie, "RIP Critics Credibility."

  15. Amen to that David! I'm so glad you see it that way too.

  16. I just want everyone to know that my mom has never used me or my brothers and sister for anything! those people on scifake.. my mom wrote for help she was doing something good. YOU are the ones who used that in a bad way! And for you info me and my brothers and sister and others not even in our family (including my best friend) are the ones who had the most experiences not my mom! So it shows how much you REALLY know! And if my mom would let me do a Youtube, I'd do one to and then you would have nothing! My mom spent 10 yrs fighting for me and my brother and never gave up, she didn't even want to do the show because of crap like this we were the ones who talked her into it for help! so you guys really know NOTHING! WE love you mom! AND THANK YOU for all you have done to protect our family even now. <3

  17. Well personally I see tons and tons of evidence against sciflake and all I hear from them is ranting insulting childhood behavior and NOT ONE shred of anything to show anyone. And EVERYTIME i bring this up, they jump right over it and go back to insulting. I personally think it's time to shut them down don't you? Because we get called another lame stupid childhood name. From Ron posing as a women because he's scared to come out from under her skirt.

  18. It's ghost I've been trying to type on here but didn't go through. All they keep doing is ranting and showing nothing. Not one shred. We keep posting and posting eveything on there lies, threats, and cyber bullying PLUS the truth and they come back with childhood play ground insults. Ron keeps going under assumed names and hiding under a skirt using female names. Running his lip and hiding like a child. Lets just grab everyone, grab the scores of evidence we have and shut them down. Adults shouldn't be arguing with crying babies and this is all there doing. Grow up and find a real career. I don't see you making millions on a sciflake site that looks to me like the numbers are in the crapper.

  19. Of course I will comment about Scifake's post from the ex CVAPI member. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
    Her phone call began with I didn't do anything repeatedly....then placing the blame on Toby and not pointing the finger, but questioning if it was Ryan.
    The SOLE PURPOSE of her phone call was wanting to switch sides and clear HER name in the local paranormal community. She wanted people to "stop" questioning her. As she is concerned about me attending an upcoming event on the 23rd, and wants US to "be adults".
    Funny that her post NEVER mentioned that EVERYTHING got started with her deleted comments on the Examiner article. These were from both Kelly and Matt and directed at Sarah Maitland herself.
    Her phone call was placed to me at 3AM, within 20 minutes of the blog being posted.
    Can we VERIFY everything she said on the phone? We are ghost hunters, you bet we can!

  20. Well from what I've heard, those idiots must have forgotten that THEY BLOCKED ME from their site so I can't see all the BS and yet still apparently make comments directly to me.. LOL.. I guess it's their way of talking crap and making it look like I'm running away. I wouldn't go on their site anymore anyway because 2 out of 3 of the comments are probably from Ron himself with made up names. I really think websites like that should have online chat so we can see these people. As far as Hailey goes, I am one very proud mom right now! And if she wants to make a Youtube, I may just let her speak in her own words for all to see the idiots Scifake and Eye on the Paranormal really are.
    It seems that Scifake has done it again with other people who have a different view point than them and there is going to be a little chatter about it tonight. I will be sure to listen to it and hope others join me.

    As far as Kelly's comment about me having my children wear crystals, She was standing right next to your team member who was telling me all about them and telling me to get my children some to wear. If I'm not mistaken her words were, "it can't hurt". So again, I see she is STILL playing games. Ryan did it, Toby did it, Christian did it, "But I'm not going to throw anyone under the bus because that's not me, but I'll show you the emails". WOW!! And THAT is how Scifake got their info.. TOO FUNNY! She should really start writing for them, she fits right in! I wonder if Ron knows she even blamed him for reaching out to her first? And she didn't tell him ANYTHING except she investigated and that was it. So she didn't tell him our case was fake? Well then why is Ron saying she did? Who's lying there?.. It just get's better and better.
    So anyway, everyone be sure to listen to that link tonight! I'm sure it will be VERY interesting..LOL.

  21. Well now, let me honestly give credit where credit is do. These members captured EVP's and reviewed video for hours.
    From the beginning, I told Firecracker Films and Dwayne all they wanted was credit. Well they finally got it.
    I told her as I previously posted, we would give you ample opportunity to defend yourself. Sarah stated in a post your experiences, and your "post" experiences. The blog stated what you didn't mind filming.
    So there you have it. Your recognition, the spotlight is now all yours! lol

  22. I think you should let your kid speak IN her own words Sarah, please do

    look forward to it and btw nice how you fake post all the replays here! ha ghostgetter-getterdone mike couldn't find this blog if he had too LMFAO!

  23. Ok, there is my name again, How could I tell her the kids should wear crystals when I wasn't there. I have had nothing to do with this shit, till YOU brought me into it. AS I SAID....you got Jack on me and I am so tired of your lies and ramblings. So I am letting you know I have emails where you have incriminated your self from waaaay back. I save everything. You want me to get involved congrats.....I'm so iin the mood now. Everything I have on you is the truth. This is your last chance to either appologise to me or I am bringing the heat bitch. I have nothing but contempt for you now and i will contact ANYONE who will listen. I am putting EVERYTHING out there. Please think I'm playing because you NEED to learn I AM NOT THE ONE. Now ball is in your court. Make your move HONEY.

  24. This is ghost the one who doesn't hide like some people. I believe I did already but it doesn't matter I have what I need and trying to keep up with the evidence of frauds pouring in about scifake.

  25. Ok thanks for that.. I'm sure there is some mention about this blog tonight on his show after that comment. Are you really that stupid? Why would I make up any fictitious names? What would be the reason? Obviously we have more than 3 people commenting so I really don't need to make up names like Scifake does. Come on! I don't even know ghostgetter-getterdone other than him adding me on FB a few days ago! Oh well there's a thought, he has a FB page, why don't you do something called investigation and ask him for yourself. As I'm sure ANYONE else reading this blog could do very easily too. LOL.. Where do you guys come from? Have you not heard of an education? Geez! Oh and don't put it past my daughter to do exactly that! She is very capable of speaking for herself only I have a problem with putting her out there for maggots like you.

  26. Sarah, could you please take the time to PUBLICLY apologize to Ryan as for whatever reason he thinks you are implementing him about the crystals?
    Don't ask me....apparantly he did not read the post about him quitting before the investigation. Or a case of mistaken identity on his part because he works with crystals.
    But apparantly he is upset. Ryan what she referenced is Kelly pointing the finger at you doing her phone call. Reread the comments

  27. Yea right you dont know ghostgetter-getterdone Sarah the lies never end and you BEST Apologize to Ryan NOW! I mean IT!!!!!!!!!

  28. Jackie your scared of Ryan aren't you? hmmm

  29. I don't care why, who or how. Leave my name out of this shit. Whatever happens from here out, I do not want to be in this at all. There is no reason to bring me into it. I'm pissed because of these so called E-mails and insinuations. My words have been twisted for other peoples personal gain. This is not sufficient. I want a real apology or I am keeping my word. I have been minding my own business till people stated accusing me of participating in this circus. As i said, I have a life and this is not it. Formal apology pending. 24 hours. Thank you

  30. Just in case you have forgotten, this is why I'm pissed...3rd comment down from the top Jackie Tomlin wrote( In addition email exchanges with ex member of CVAPI RYAN ROBINSON. Since his membership was severed months prior to the Maitland case, I could care less what he has to say. Though he apppears to be an active "Contributor" to the bashing.) It is right here scroll up.

  31. Oh wow! Ryan I do not even know you and I'm sorry if you thought I was talking about you. I wasn't. There was a person here on the investigation who was into crystals and told me to look into this woman's shop because they can be worn for protection. Kelly was standing right next to him when he was talking about it to me in our garage but now she is supposedly commenting over at Scifake how terrible I am that I instilled fear into my children by making them wear their necklaces. And didn't seem to have a problem with it when the person was telling me about it.
    That's all.

  32. Hey Ryan, I just read Jackie's post again, I can't answer for her but to me it looks like she is saying this person is blaming everyone for being an active contributor..BUT HER. I don't see it in a way she is accusing you of anything, She knows this person's games. I think she was just pointing out the fact that you have also been bought into all this crap. But that's just my opinion standing outside looking in.

  33. I have just been told that you Ryan have now been saying untruths about me on Scifake also?? I realize you didn't read the message earlier correctly but you see how easy it is to read things the wrong way? This is exactly what I said.. Ryan did it, Toby did it, Christian did it, "But I'm not going to throw anyone under the bus because that's not me, but I'll show you the emails". That is what Kelly said. Just like she has now publicly called Toby out on Sicfake.. Now, IF she is really not the one who has told Ron our investigation was a fake given that she was so scared after she left that night, I can see why she would be so mad at others using her name to discredit her. And I would probably do the same thing. However, I know from experience with Kelly that she things about me that were simply not true and she then made her assumptions public. All the way down to saying it was caught on tape that I was chanting to our demon in latin. I DON'T KNOW LATIN and the tape she was talking about has a womans voice saying, " AVS MEDIA GAMA" I believe that is the name of a program you can download of the computer, but she decided to say it was me chanting. So obviously, she is playing a lot of games and bringing everyone into the mix. NOT ME I don't even know you, and unless I have PROOF to back up anything I say, I keep my mouth shut, unlike Scifake and those associated.

  34. Let me say it again...
    They were the ones that wanted credit, they are not getting the attention, let them have fun! lol

  35. This was an EXCELLENT show last night and really exposed Scifake for the parasites they are. BACKED WITH PROOF which is all anyone REALLY wants to hear in the first place. But even I was blown away with THEIR PROOF..


  36. GG here, so now this Anonymous above is accusing me of lying? when I pointed out the truth right in front of everyone last night. Game over you lose once again and I'm going to make sure I keep this show around a while so everyone can hear and not want anything to do with sciflake. Mature people in this field won't want to mess with this in the field. Especially credible people. By the way you know why para celebs respond to them? Because they won't shut up. Like a child mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom WHAT!!!

  37. Jackie I am done with Scifake and Eye on the Paranormal, I could care less anymore what they say as I know the TRUTH is coming out from other sorces and will be out soon enough from me. However, here is my last blog on the subject if you care to see my good-bye letter..lol..


  38. Ok, Sarah if you have something "I" posted on scifake lets see it. I do not know you and what "untruths"? I am so sick of you bitches it is getting ridiculous. Your listening to Jackie? Really, why do you think no one lasts more than a year on her team. I warned you Jackie I have all the contact info to all of your old members. i will not be posting again here I will just keep my word. enough is enough. You say your not keeping this alive, well quit kicking it. all you and your new pet "Sarah are doing is trying to get attention. I will be handling this come Monday. So lets talk about you using donations to pay your bills and how you lied to your members about so called meetings with sponsors when they never...ever met with you in no such a manner. like I said i have all truth, you have ignorant ramblings where you not only contradict yourselves, you try to turn people on one another. You, in my opinion are the lowest form of scum and now your dragging Sarah and her family with you. Sarah, quit listening to her and move on. all she wants is a possibility at fame. I warned you and now i guess i will have to keep my promise. Do what you have to, I don't care. I am copying this with a screen shot. I want everyone to know what kind of person you are Jackie. you can bet, when I'm done they will all know. All I wanted was to be left alone, but NOOOOOOO, you have to drag me into this shit. I WILL NOT allow you to get away with anymore. Done means Done. I am sorry Sarah if you think I ever said or did anything to you or your family, not the case. It takes a lot for someone to come out of the dark and expose themselves like you have. However, I will be taking care of Ms. Tomlin's need to lash out at people who had her back. Yeah I wanted you to recognize, Jackie, I did a lot for you. I found your only paying sponsor, who dropped 1000.00 on equipment for YOUR team....because of me. You wouldn't even pick up the phone and call him. You are no more than a leech, sucking the life out of anyone you deem beneficial. now you have latched onto Sarah and her family. How much are you doing for her Sarah? more than you should, think about who your dealing with and look out for your own well being.

  39. Funny the only one cussing is Ryan. I'm going to need for you to calm down and let go of your hostilities. This is EXACTLY why I let the "Drama Queens" of CVAPI go their own ways. I am not going to exert my energy into these wannabe's. As bought to my attention, they want me to do 90% of the work, pay for everything and take them to the top. Or as I was adviced...."get them off your skirt tail, you don't need them and they are using you'. This is also indeed the one that emailed that he quit because he "Didn't get any recognition". (You are a volunteer ghost hunter, what recognition were you looking for.?) Another GREAT example are funds of CVAPI, which were posted and kept current under the "members section" of our forum, to which no one utilized. And as far as all of you keeping EVERY one of my emails...what is this? I guess it shows who the important one is here. Such pettiness. They all need to grow up, and Sarah I apologize as he never even met you. He had a NEED to get involved because someone pointed the finger at him.

  40. Ryan, Your name appears on Scifake under the most recent post. It was posted July 15, 2011 @ 4:34 pm. I have a screen shot of it if you would like me to send it to you.
    Jackie hasn't asked me for anything and everyone says I'm using her or she's using me... for what? With all due respect to Jackie, I don't think she has anything I could use her for anymore than she could use me for anything.
    Ryan, If you did not post that comment, I think you should really start looking into it.

  41. So Jackie, WE are the ones keeping our story alive right? You have to check out the latest comment under my blog!!


  42. Sarah in reference to Ryan I saw his post as he says "I have 24 hours to apologize". And for what? His name was bought up by one of his best buddies. Then he makes an "assumption" of what you said about the investigator. Why? He wasn't there, hasn't met you or is part of the team. To this I have to say WHATEVER.
    And your right, NO we are not keeping the story alive nor have we mentioned the show in weeks. Anyone on our Facebook knows this and can see why I published the blog.
    I wouldn't give any of these idiots the time of day.

  43. Mason, Mason, Mason, How can you supposedly be so smart and yet so nasty and stupid?? Just wondering.. ;)

  44. http://scifake.com/?p=5473 LOL

  45. This is in reference to Ron "Taking off time to expose fake paranormal teams" from one of his emails. Looks like he passed the buck off on Kirby.

    Of course the link from Scifake has been removed.

    From: "RonTebo"
    Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:35:57 PM
    Subject: [SciFake] A post of interest: "Time to smell the roses!"


    I would like to bring your attention on a new post published on the blog. Details of the post follow; I hope you will find it interesting.

    Best regards,



    Time to smell the roses!

    I sit here writing and I hear church bells from only a few blocks. Damn those bells have rang so many times; however, I really never listened. Why? Because I was too focused here (scifake) trying to change things that I cannot change. I have yet to plant the garden, fix the bike or paint my house. Why? Because I am here trying to make difference by combating battiness and stupidity.

    Honest to God, the paranormal community is full of section eights and it's time for me to step back distance myself from these crack pots. People (sane people) are laughing at you and the real world is not taking this subject seriously. Fighting and back stabbing over what? ...a freaking ghost? If you want to be taken seriously ..then make friends and stop fighting!

    If you're reading this and it's insulting? ...then you're the NUT and you need help!

    I'm done! Life is too short to attempt to change something that I have no control over and I need to smell the roses. My God man ...I am talking about people fighting over things that can't be explained and it's embarrassing. Who gives a rat's ass about finding the Holy Grail of paranormal evidence? If you found it what would you do with it and who would you share it with? Who'd believe your silly ass? NO one!

    Paranormal TV (GA, PNS, GH, Animal Planet) ...a joke!!! Zak Bagans possessed ...FAKE! It's All ABOUT the show. If Bagans thought for ONE second he was possessed ...he'd be marching his ass to a psychiatric center asking for some medication and shock treatment. Why?Anxiety and stress would take over his mind and it would be to much for him to handle.

    Also, the shows are ALL about ratings and if you can't see this then you need to step back and further educate yourself. These shows are about MONEY!!!

    Get out, enjoy your family, friends and listen to the birds sing and enjoy your life. Because this is it and you do NOT have a second chance.

    I have made many friends and obviously some enemies. BUT, this will not be my life. I am done being part of this flipped out community and it's time to move on and smell the roses. If you don't like it ....tough. Then you make a difference, because my life is about to change.

    By the way, to the crack pots who think I have been threatened ....think what you will because I have ZERO to prove to you!


    Link to the post: http://scifake.com/?p=4956
    Link to SciFake: http://scifake.com

  46. This in itself is too funny.. This is on Kirby's FB page. NOW I see what his problem is! It's called Jealousy because Dwayne got the job and he didn't! In his latest rant and rave, He is bashing Demonologists as if the Demons themselves only have a preference of Christians and only someone of the Christian faith can get rid on a demon? I never knew that Demons had a script to follow. And that Crystals don't do anything for the supernatural or Demons.I'm wondering if the voices are telling him all this in his head. Maybe he sat down and had a conversation with one and they told him exactly what they liked and didn't like. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm thinking that if I said I was Catholic, they wouldn't have sent me Dwayne right? I mean I do remember you being asked what religious background I had. They sure got it wrong in my case! LOL. Anyway, this is Mr. Robinson's FB info..The last one had me rolling with laughter.. "caring spiritual advisor" REALLY? Because from what I've seen, you haven't once tried to help me understand one thing about what happened in our house. You haven't asked me one question about our experiences, You only asked for dirt on Dwayne.
    Kirby Robinson
    Free All Spirits
    Owner · Jun 2004 to present · Los Angeles, California
    Demonologist/Exorcis​t/Paranormal Investigator/Caring Spiritual Adviser

  47. The screen shots on Scifake's latest post from Kirby are hysterical!! I'm guessing they haven't read Kirby's FB Info that he CLAIMS to be a Deomonologist also.. LMAO!!

    This is my response to Kirby's blog..


  48. Look at the link to the radio show on our blog, this is where he states he has been performing exorcisms and working on demonic cases for 25 years.

  49. A for trying F for understanding

    In our new book we will expose you case for what we now really think it is Faked

  50. Kirby,
    Do us all a favor and try to find a life. The only thing I see "FAKE" is you. Sorry you didn't get the recognition you were seeking.

  51. And won't he look like a total idiot when ours goes out and people see what REALLY happened..LOL. All I can do at this point is laugh at these morons!!

  52. We continue to get comments on a daily basis on this from an unknown. If you have something to say that is worth hearing then post your name, otherwise return to Scifake. We have all moved on, but it has been noted as to who cannot.

  53. you do not get daily messages (you obviously WISH! LOL)AND if you are getting "daily" message why don't you post them??? HMMM??? LIAR, You are forgotten and we are delighted say ad think what you wish, you are FOREVER Google cached as the losers an frauds you are, yes we LOVE SCIFAKE they took our inside information and told the world what and who you are.
    big fat kisses and hugs! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Here is a good example of what I'm talking about. Read this closely...do I need to guess who this is? LOL

  55. It's a little hard to post to Blogger isn't it? This is Sandra Sparks.I think you will be interested in this, Jackie... http://theparanormaltrollfiles.blogspot.com/

  56. Sandra, your link doesn't work. Mistype perhaps?

  57. Jackie, it worked for me,it may have been down temporarily http://theparanormaltrollfiles.blogspot.com/

    It's a record of harassment from Kirby and Ron.

    If you can't get the link to work google the Paranormal troll files with Ron and Kirby's full names.

  58. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you, I got it. It is a shame that these two prey on people like they do. It appears that they are scared of anyone having any type of success. Sarah Maitland referenced this perfectly in her interview with me on Examiner regarding her book.
    Kirby, however appears that he has recently "found God". That is a good thing because one day they will both answer for all of the things they have done!

  59. The Christianity is just a cover. It looks like he found he could draw more people in by pretending to be on some holy mission. The "conversion" has not stopped him from making things up - for example, he or one of "the five" (interesting that I saw others also pick up there is a core group of five people) has been pretending to be me posting as anonymous on his blog, because I will never respond to them again. Life is much simpler that way. I continue to read the stories of things they have done, and will keep adding to my blog posts as new info comes in. I hope one day the news includes information that one or both of them are being legally held accountable for their actions. As Sarah wrote in a blog entry, I, too, don't understand why anyone would take the path they have taken. They can only pretend that it gets them somewhere they want to go. As they try to humiliate others they only end up humiliating themselves.

  60. I fully believe that in time, the law will catch up with both of them. To which I have no sympathy for. Kirby has latched onto Bishop Long in hopes of furthering his career. Both Kirby and Ron need to have their heads examined. At this point, I believe neither of them hold any credibility in the paranormal community. They have caused a lot of problems for a lot of people. But Karma is a bigger bitch than me, lol.

  61. Thanks for sharing that Sandra! I have NEVER seen adults act as childish as I have with them and their few followers. But it's great that so many others are seeing this too.

  62. ive had my run inns with Kirby he is a piece of well we all know what he is i still want to know how you do an exorcism in a wheelchair which he claims to be in unless that's a lie also every time i post something on his blog it immediately gets deleted
